And now for the fun part of having this gallery: I love being able to share my love of photography! It’s as simple as that.
I’ve always loved photography (maybe because my childhood bedroom was covered in Sarah Moon’s images?). I love its immediacy and intimacy. It’s the most ubiquitous art form, one that speaks to most people. I feel photography has become a “lingua franca,” a universal language by which we all communicate.
I am also happy and honored to champion photographers whose work I love.
Coming from the advertising and fashion photo industry, I don’t recognize the usual barriers the art world sets up. There if you don’t have the right pedigree (read: education and/or connections), your work is devalued (or, at least, not as valued).
For me, what matters is my response to the images. The curation is personal – I love every image I am showing; it is not calculated according to the art world’s rules and expectations.
Lastly, I love the freedom I enjoy. It’s a huge privilege. Freedom to feature who I want, to work from anywhere in the world, to create this new business from scratch – making lots of mistakes along the way, for sure, but loving every second of it.
So, here’s to our first 6 months! I can’t wait to continue to grow and develop Aurélie’s Gallery. See you around!
If you missed it, read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 of how the gallery came to be.
Follow the blog for more of my adventures in entrepreneurship land!

Thank you! 🙂